


請大家幫忙找出以下英文諺語的意思,如果能有例句更好,謝謝! 1. soup up 2. hit the sauce 3. egg on 4. cut the mustard 5. go for peanuts 更新: 要中文解釋呀...





請大家幫忙找出以下英文諺語的意思,如果能有例句更好,謝謝! 0. These are idioms (慣用語;成語;習慣語), not 諺語 (proverb) 1. soup up: (of a motor vehicle) modified for higher performance, applied by extension to other items 馬力增強了的; to increase the power or efficiency of How to soup up your car? 怎麼增強你的車予的馬力? 2. hit the sauce (or hit the booze) - to drink alcohol (usually regularly) 酗酒 I think that woman began to hit the sauce after her husband lost his job. 我認為那個女人在她的丈夫失去了他的工作之後開始酗酒。 3. egg (someone) on- to encourage someone to do something (often something bad/wrong/dangerous) 慫恿 The boys egged their friend on to jump into the water. 那些男孩的朋友慫恿他跳入水裡。 4. cut the mustard - to succeed, to do adequately what needs to be done 1. 出色地完成任務;達到標準 2. 使…達到最好水平 The young man was not able to cut the mustard and he had to leave the army after only one year. 那個年輕人沒有能達到標準,所以僅僅來軍隊一年 就必須離開。 5. go for peanuts - sold for very little money; traded for almost nothing "peanut(s)" - 無甚價值之物;小數額 Things go for peanuts on online auctions. 你能在網拍發現非常便宜的東西。 ---------------------------------- 如果您喜歡知道更多關於「食物成語 (Food Idioms)」,這個網站有更多. 并且 您能從 雅虎字典 找到他們的中文解釋 (most of them, at least)


這有類似的 ??|||||我是一個上班族~ 大家都知道物價上漲的年代~ 上班族苦哈哈~還要面對公司對英文能力的提升要求 為了剩下大把的英文補習費~線上英文是不錯的選擇 分享給~不想花大錢學英文的朋友 又不用風吹雨打~再家24小時自己排時間~ 現在我的小孩也幫他報名~下面文章是一個朋友的分享~ 看完文章...別人的分享比廣告更有意義唷|||||1. soup up - 加大馬力 如果你聽到英美的司機说“soup up his car”,你可别莫名其妙地聯想到“給汽車餵湯”,因為soup up的意思是“加大馬力”。 2.hit the sauce hit the sauce [俚語] 喝酒;酗酒 3. egg on-窘得難以下台 唉呀,糟糕,凸槌了。我真是滿面豆花,不好意思呀! Oh no! I made a boo-boo. I sure have egg on my face. 4. cut the mustard cut the mustard 是個俚語, 指的是一個人在工作上的表現。要注意的是, 這個俚語通常都是用負面的方式出現。 The boss fired him because he couldn't cut the mustard. 5. go for peanuts peanut (花生)在俚語裡有無關緊要﹑微乎其微﹑可有可無的意思。 [在知識查到的]|||||soup up, Slang. Make something more powerful; especially, add speed to an engine. For example, He was riding around in that car he'd souped up, or They had to soup up the sound system for the outdoor concert hit the booze or sauce. Drink alcoholic beverages, especially a great deal, as in I don't know if it will be a problem, but he hits the bottle every weekend, or She hardly ever hits the booze, but when she does, watch out, or It doesn't show in her work, but she hits the sauce every night. egg on To stir to action or feeling:excite, foment, galvanize, goad, impel, incite, Incite, urge ahead, provoke, as in Jack is always egging me on to drive faster, or Seemingly quiet, Margo actually eggs on Donald to quarrel with his staff. This expression has nothing to do with hen's eggs but comes from an Old Norse word, eggja, "to edge." cut the mustard :to do what is needed Perform satisfactorily, as in We need a better catcher; this one just doesn't cut the mustard. The origin of this expression is disputed. Some believe it alludes to mustard in the sense of the best or main attraction (owing to its spicing up food), whereas others believe it is a corruption of pass muster. Still others hold that it concerns the preparation of mustard, which involves adding vinegar to mustard seed to "cut" (reduce) its bitterness. The expression is often in negative form, as in the example. go for peanuts---待補

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