
有關民安職級稱呼 10分題



成人民安隊- 訓練出黎之後叫? 1柴又叫咩? 2柴又叫咩? 中英文名 我都想要.. 感謝你的協助


民眾安全服務處(民安處) 民安處是保安局轄下的一個政府部門,編制人數為112人,包括一名首長級人員,其餘則為部門人員及一般職系人員。他們的工作是為民安隊志願人員提供行動策劃及管制、隊員訓練、行政和後勤支援。 Civil Aid Service (Department) The Civil Aid Service (Department) is a government department under the Security Bureau. It has an establishment of 112 full-time staff embracing a Directorate, departmental officers and general grade staff. They perform and provide operational control, service training, administrative and logistic support to the members of the Service. 民眾安全服務隊(民安隊) 民安隊是一支須穿制服並受紀律約束的輔助應急隊伍,其經費由政府支付。民安隊在編制上有3,634名成人隊員及3,232名年齡介乎12至17歲的少年團團員。民安隊於一九五二年成立,當時是一個備戰的民防單位,經多年發展,現已成為一個服務多元化的輔助組織,在發生天災人禍時,執行各種應急服務,協助減輕本港正規部隊的負擔。 Civil Aid Service The Civil Aid Service is a uniformed and disciplined, government-financed, auxiliary service. The Service has an establishment of 3,634 adult members and 3,232 youths aged from 12 to 17. It was formed in 1952 as a wartime-oriented civil defense unit. Since then, it has grown into a multi-tasked auxiliary organization, capable of undertaking a wide range of emergency duties and helping to relieve the pressure on Hong Kong's full-time emergency forces. 查詢 查詢有關本隊各事項,可於辦公時間內致電以下電話、下載查詢表格或直接填寫網上查詢表格。 一般查詢(852) 2805 6020 登記加入(成人隊)(852) 3651 9375 登記加入(少年團)(852) 3651 9377 山野安全和高空 / 山野工作安全的 專業顧問服務(852) 3651 935


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