
Please help me!Thx


Project HONG KONG POPULATION The distribution of HK population which about HK people (age:20~29)



According to HKSAR Census and Statistics Dept., upto mid of 2006, the hong kong population by age group is as follow: Age group Mid-2006 # Male ('000) Female ('000) Both sexes ('000) % of total population 0 - 4 115.3 107.0 222.3 3.2 5 - 9 164.0 153.0 317.0 4.5 10 - 14 219.3 206.4 425.7 6.1 15 - 19 226.7 216.4 443.1 6.3 20 - 24 224.1 238.7 462.8 6.6 25 - 29 225.6 256.8 482.4 6.9 30 - 34 243.3 319.5 562.8 8.0 35 - 39 258.7 353.0 611.7 8.7 40 - 44 312.8 385.3 698.1 10.0 45 - 49 332.6 349.7 682.3 9.8 50 - 54 265.5 276.4 541.9 7.7 55 - 59 221.4 216.3 437.7 6.3 60 - 64 129.7 117.9 247.6 3.5 65 - 69 124.8 116.0 240.8 3.4 70 - 74 115.0 117.1 232.1 3.3 75 - 79 84.9 98.2 183.1 2.6 80 - 84 46.4 66.8 113.2 1.6 >= 85 30.2 59.7 89.9 1.3 All age groups 3 340.3 3 654.2 6 994.5 100.0 Therefore, there are 945,200 people in the age range 20~29 (20~24 + 25~29). website: http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/hong_kong_statistics/statistical_tables/index.jsp?tableID=002


about age: http://hk-doctor.com/health_article/overview/Age_c.htm63D0B758E2D502CC

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