各位c-hing小弟由於工作需要,要經常帶兩部手機出街.請問那一款立體聲藍芽耳機可以雙待機? 我已經試過jabra cliper及bt3030都吾得,兩部機可以認到兩電話,但不能同時待機. 只要其中一部連住,另一部就搜索吾到. mw600就打去sony ericsson問過情況都係一樣.只能選定一個做通話裝置.
據題主嘅要求,以我所知,有兩款藍芽耳鐖,就係 i.tech clip music 801 同埋 i.tech clip music 802,兩款藍芽都可以同時連兩部手機,而且睇返網上嘅意見,兩款藍芽聽歌唔錯,而且 Clip Music 802 仲可以聽收音機添。(要聲明一點,唔係賣廣告呀) 兩款藍芽耳機嘅規格資料分別如下: i.tech Clip Music 801 KEY FEATURES: ?The first stereo headset with multipoint function to connect with 2 phones at the same time ?3 different incoming buzzer alerts for user's choice ?Stereo music streams wirelessly from your compatible phone via Bluetooth technology ?Advanced mobile away alert function to ensure mobile phone is in sight (within 10 meters) ?Charging option from PC via USB cable SPECIFICATIONS: ?Bluetooth speciification v2.1+EDR class 2 ?Supports Bluetooth Headset, Handsfree, A2DP & AVCRP profiles ?Rechargeable Li-Polymer Battery ?Talk Time: Up to 5.5 hours^ ?Music Playing Time: up to 5.5 hours^ ?Standby Time: up to 150 hours^ ?Compatible with i.Tech 110 ~ 240Vac switching power charger ?Weight: 15 grams i.tech Clip Music 802 KEY FEATURES: ?Internal radio equips with RDS and 8-preset channels capability ?Multipoint function to connect with 2 phones at the same time ?Stereo music streams wirelessly from your compatible phone via Bluetooth technology ?Advanced mobile away alert function to ensure mobile phone is in sight (within 10 meters) ?Charging option from PC via USB cable SPECIFICATIONS: ?Bluetooth speciification v2.1+EDR class 2 ?Supports Bluetooth Headset, Handsfree, A2DP & AVCRP profiles ?Rechargeable Li-Polymer Battery ?Talk Time: Up to 5 hours^ ?Music Playing Time: up to 5 hours^ ?FM Playing Time: up to 6 hours^ ?Standby Time: up to 130 hours^ ?Compatible with i.Tech 110 ~ 240Vac switching power charger ?Dimensions: 44.5(L) x 20(W)x 24mm(T)/1.75(L) x 0.79(W)x0.94(T) inches ?Weight: 15 grams/0.53 ounces 補充少少,依加喱兩款藍芽耳機售價 (行貨),大約分別係 HK$260 (Clip Music 801)HK$308 (Clip Music 802) (喺黃金商場地庫買) 2010-04-21 23:08:38 補充: **希望我畀資料能夠幫倒題主。另外,請題主唔好移除問題,仲有,如果題主覺得我嘅回答啱用嘅話,請揀佢做最佳回答,唔該晒!**
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