急急急急!!!! msn 中毒!!!!
我msn 到收到個messegeHeeey! I found a picture of you online :-O , Haha weird face you got there.. http://www.viotagallery.com/PIC/DATA/14/PartyG/picdown.php跟住就好似比人control 左咁....跟住有個方法係開ctrl+alt+del.....我搵唔到個兩個file...跟住又有...----------------------------Start---------------------------del... 顯示更多 我msn 到收到個messege Heeey! I found a picture of you online :-O , Haha weird face you got there.. http://www.viotagallery.com/PIC/DATA/14/PartyG/picdown.php 跟住就好似比人control 左咁.... 跟住有個方法係開ctrl+alt+del..... 我搵唔到個兩個file...跟住又有... ----------------------------Start--------------------------- del C:\Windows\system32\msync.exe /f del c:\crsss.exe /f 但係我唔識"儲存成Delete.bat 存檔類型一定要是任何檔案 執行Delete.bat" 又搵唔到個"Syncronization" 我部腦英文版黎的......help me plz!!!!
上網掃毒~~~自動幫你del 或者告知你中毒的檔案 1. 線上掃毒網站 - F-Secure 免費線上掃毒 (英文) (個人推薦) 基本上我家用的Norton掃不到或刪不到的病毒~這個程式也可以幫我清除病毒 http://support.f-secure.com/enu/home/ols.shtml 使用方法: 只要按下畫面中的start scanning,接著按下Accept同意版權畫面. 有安裝WinXP SP2的請同意安裝引擎,以及取消快顯阻擋,即可開始下載,依照步驟即可 - 熊貓線上掃瞄 (中文) http://www.pandasoftware.com.tw/freescan/activescan.htm 使用方法該網頁已有寫 - WindowSecurity.com http://www.windowsecurity.com/trojanscan/ 使用方法: 按下中間的"Scan my computer for Trojans!" 之後也是會有要安裝掃瞄引擎的確定視窗,請按"是",接著就會出現磁碟機畫面. 選擇你要掃瞄的磁碟機,確定左邊的選項為[Prompt]後,按下面的"Start Scan"按鈕即可. ! 使用Win2000/XP的可能會出現下面的東西 Unable to scan C:/System Volume Information - 存取被拒. 那是系統資料夾,預設就是不被任何人存取,不是木馬,不用擔心. 掃瞄完成請按"Stop Scan"回到主畫面或直接關掉 掃瞄結果解說:(僅將重要訊息列出) - Memory not infected 記憶體沒被感染 - Scan folder: 掃瞄資料夾.(至於not recursive什麼意思,請自行查字典,我無法提供正確的翻譯,總之不是告訴你中木馬了. - Total number of files is 876、number of infected files is 0 檔案掃瞄總數是876個,感染木馬的檔案數是0 - Average files per second is 264、average file size is 4962555 平均每秒掃瞄264個檔案,平均檔案大小是4962555 - Spyware Stormer-廣告間諜程式線上掃瞄 (英文) http://www.spywarestormer.com/ - 趨勢科技HouseCall (英文) http://housecall.trendmicro.com/housecall/start_corp.asp 使用方法: 一開始要你選擇國家,請選Taiwan(因為轉自台灣網頁 我沒用過 不知有沒有香港) 接著就會出現確定安裝掃瞄引擎畫面,請按"是" 接著磁碟機畫面,選好之後,將自動清除打勾,最後按"開始掃瞄" - 賽門鐵克(Symantec)網路安全診斷室 (中文) http://security.symantec.com/ssc ... m&plfid=23&***j=MLZFR***VQDWHXEIMGKL http://security.symantec.com/ssc ... m&plfid=23&***j=GHZFHYTINMHDKDCWLLS 有2個進入該網頁方法 ! 這個網站提供的「病毒偵測」不提供修復功能,也就是會掃到毒但是不會幫你解毒. 2. 安裝的掃毒軟體 - F-Secure 下載: http://europe.f-secure.com/exclude/download/fsav2005n-06.exe F-Secure的升級和AVP不一樣 安裝用序列號,然後免費升級 不過,有個小特點,它升級的時候是不只不覺的升級了 不需要你設置,每天都自己在後台升級 此軟體需註冊付費方可永久使用,以上是三十天試用版 - Kaspersky Anti-Virus 官網: http://www.kaspersky.com.tw/ 下載: http://www.kaspersky.com.tw/KL-Products5.0.htm 安裝請先閱讀該站說明. - 趨勢科技提供的木馬殺手掃瞄程式 下載: http://www.trendmicro.com.tw/sol ... sNo=75&SBNo=315 請依照它裡面的說明,下載tsc.zip,解壓縮後直接執行即可.其他說明請參考該網
I also got this kind of virus before After you open this web, your MSN will be hacked and there're 4 main program After you got hacked, all your online messengers will recieve this message. I strongly suggest you to disconnect first, then locate the 4 main programs in your computer will some knid of virus detect program like AVG, Northern...(Do not online and download if you do not have those program because your friends will be attack AGAIN!) Locate the 4 main programs(Yourself maybe). Then delete the 2 that's not running Delete them and 即刻! close your computer, the other 2 programs are running so that you can't delete them Restart yoru computer, before your computer has fully opened, go to the place the Virus Programs were staying in...Then delete the 2 main one 係完全開曬機之前!! Scan your computer again to see if the 木馬 has 入侵(infected) into some of your programs... If not, search the place the virus was and press Ctrl+ Alt + Delete and see 應用程式 and try to find the progrma and end it... Delete all the virus installed into your computer then it should be ok I can't find the program in 應用程式 so that I need to clear all my program...I lost many things from this virus Notice your friends you have been infected 2007-02-17 00:57:26 補充: 你中左this病毒,以上網就會令你個主程式幫你安裝多D病毒,所以最好就係唔好上網,唔好比佢控制到你部電腦的情況下有所行動,即係儘快用唔使上網既程式掃描同剷除病毒一定要係佢D木馬入侵你其他程式個時!! 2007-02-23 01:18:17 補充: 網上既網通常都無咩用...佢個D都得...但係你黎個病毒一上網就會搞衰你D聯絡人...最好都用番唔洗上網個D拉...我都中過架|||||可能中左木馬,請用超級兔子chat下機1C924F1C0172E337